Red Dead Redemption 2 Lost Goods Finding Guide - DREAMY GAMING


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In this article, we will help players with a problem that often happens. We'll talk about how and where to find hats, horses, weapons and legendary skins that are often lost by Red Dead Redemption 2 players. If you wish, let's start our Red Dead Redemption 2 lost article finding guide without further ado.

1. Where is the lost hat in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Whatever the reason, Arthur's hat just kind of doesn't stop at the head. We're talking about a hat that's always trying to fly, run away. If your hat falls off, you must first go to your side and then press Xersee on the Xbox One or press the frame key on If your hat has completely disappeared, you can easily find it with your horse. Press the left shoulder button near your horse to reveal the item menu, then press the right shoulder button to move to your horse menu. Arthur's hat will be waiting for you at the bottom right by default.

2. How to find a missing horse while playing Red Dead Redemption

One of the things that disappeared out of the hat. If your horse is lost, there are a few things you can do. Open the Pause menu and select your map. If you press X on the frame, the Xbox, you will open the index. You can also find your horse's icon here. If you are on camp, you can upgrade to Hitching Post. This allows you to recall your lost horse wherever it is. If not, you can go to sleep. You can see your horse back. But if he's dead, you'il have to get a new one, unfortunately.

3. Red Dead Redemption 2 Where are the missing weapons?


Red Dead Redemption is one of the situations that players often encounter when their weapons are missing. Because Arthur cannot carry all of his belongings at any time, you have to take your weapons back from your horse every time. If your gun was missing, it probably didn't go anywhere. Go to your horse and open your weapon menu by holding down the left shoulder button. Then select your saddle with the right stick and choose which weapon to take by pressing the right trigger.

4. Where are the Lost Legendary Pelts?

One of the things that we have witnessed is the legendary leathers. Because these skins are special, you don't need to panic. If you die for some reason, your skin is going to Trapper while you carry your legendary skin. This saves you from great efforts. We hope that the information you have shared with us on this guide will help you more than ever.

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